Skagit Valley College

Catalog Course Search Details

 Course Title:   Introduction to Windows PowerShell

 Title Abbreviation:   POWERSHELL

 Department:    CIS

 Course #:    180

 Credits:    5

 Variable:     No

 IUs:    5

 CIP:    110301

 EPC:    514

 REV:    2019

 Course Description  

Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Students will learn cmdlets, syntax and how to create scripts and utilities to performing common administration tasks or management tools.


Prerequisite: CIS 104 & CIS 105 Non-degree seeking students with proficiency in command line operation in both the Windows & Linux environments, as well as a solid understanding of customization and configuration of a Windows and Linux operating system, contact instructor for permission

Additional Course Details

Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)

Lecture: 55

Lab: 0

Other: 0

Systems: 0

Clinical: 0

Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:  

Vocational Preparatory Required for ATA degree  

Equivalencies At Other Institutions

Other Institution Equivalencies Table
Institution Course # Remarks

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Install Windows PowerShell
  2. Understand and use basic command lines in Windows PowerShell
  3. Understand and use Windows PowerShell cmdlets
  4. Understand, write and run Windows PowerShell scripts
  5. Understand and use PowerShell functions
  6. Use PowerShell integrated scripting environment (ISE)

General Education Learning Values & Outcomes

Revised August 2008 and affects outlines for 2008 year 1 and later.

Course Contents

  1. Install and run Windows PowerShell
  2. Command line operations
  3. Cmdlet operations
  4. Scripting
  5. Using Windows PowerShell functions
  6. Using PowerShell integrated scripting environment (ISE)