Skagit Valley College

Catalog Course Search Details

This course has been changed from the previous catalog, the changed field(s) are highlighted in red:

 Course Title:   Nursing M/S Patient-Practicum (clinical)

 Title Abbreviation:   NURS CARE ADULT/CHILD I

 Department:    NURS

 Course #:    182

 Credits:    6

 Variable:     No

 IUs:    6

 CIP:    513801

 EPC:    RND

 REV:    2019

 Course Description  

Introduction to concepts and basic care of selected individuals throughout the lifespan experiencing basic alterations in cell growth, cardiac function, endocrine function (including diabetes), gastrointestinal function, musculoskeletal function, neurological function, and those undergoing surgery. Principles of pharmacology, nutrition and psychological issues will be integrated throughout. Concepts of context and environment, knowledge and science, personal and professional development, quality and safety, relationship centered care and teamwork are integrated throughout.


Prerequisite: NURS 171, 172, 173 with a grade of 2.0 (C) or higher.

Additional Course Details

Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)

Lecture: 0

Lab: 0

Other: 0

Systems: 0

Clinical: 132

Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:  

Vocational Preparatory Required for ATA degree, Required for certificate  

Equivalencies At Other Institutions

Other Institution Equivalencies Table
Institution Course # Remarks

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Use the nursing process to provide holistic care for patients experiencing alterations in basic changes in health function. Cell growth, cardiac function, endocrine function (including diabetes), gastrointestinal function, integument function, musculoskeletal function, neurological function, and those undergoing surgery.
  2. Discuss advocacy for patients and families in ways to promote their self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings.
  3. Illustrate effective communication with patients and families to promote partnership in care design and delivery in promoting nutritional integration for all clients.
  4. Apply knowledge of anxiety, stress and coping to patient teaching to clients with immune alterations and those in the perioperative phases.
  5. Compare current practice to researched, evidence-based practice as related to patient safety in fundamental care of clients throughout the lifespan.
  6. Illustrate effective communication through feedback to and partnership within teams caring for clients with respiratory alterations.
  7. Explain key components of safe and effective communication by limiting dependence on memory.
  8. Distinguish the effects of medications, herbs and nutritional supplements on patient response to nursing interventions with clients having sensory alterations.
  9. Determine the role of pharmacological agent, including related responsibilities in promoting adaptation for patients with basic health problems with decreased or inappropriate immune response.
  10. PROGRAM OUTCOME: Human Flourishing: Advocate for patients and families in ways that promote their self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings.
  11. PROGRAM OUTCOME: Nursing Judgment: Make judgments in practice, substantiated with evidence, that integrate nursing science in the provision of safe, quality care and promote the health of patients within a family and community context.
  12. PROGRAM OUTCOME: Professional Identity: Implement one's role as a nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, ethical practices, and an evolving identity as a nurse committed to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and safe, quality care f
  13. PROGRAM OUTCOME: Spirit of Inquiry: Examine the evidence that underlies clinical nursing practice to challenge the status quo, question underlying assumptions, and offer new insights to improve the quality of care for patients, families, and communities.

General Education Learning Values & Outcomes

Revised August 2018 and affects outlines for 2019 and later.


Definition: Produce and exchange ideas and information through written, spoken, and visual forms.

Course Contents

  1. Fundamental care of the client with GI Alterations.
    • Alterations in Upper and Lower GI Function in Adults and Pediatric clients. Alterations in Nutrition.
  2. Fundamental care of the client with Cardiac.
    • Alterations in Cardiac Output. Cardiomyopathy.
    • Infectious/Inflammatory Cardiac Alterations. Alterations in Peripheral Vascular System.
  3. Fundamental care of client with Respiratory Alterations.
    • Alterations in Upper and Lower Airway Function. Obstructive Airway Alterations.
    • Pulmonary Vascular Alterations.
  4. Fundamental care of the Perioperative client.
    • Preoperative, Intraoperative, and Postoperative.
  5. Fundamental care of the client with Musculoskeletal Alterations.
    • Alterations in musculoskeletal function due to trauma. Alterations in bone, connective tissue, and joint structure and function.
  6. Fundamental Care of the client with Alterations in Cell Growth, Immune and Hematologic function.
    • Pre-malignant and malignant skin alterations. Alterations due to Inappropriate Immune Response or Decreased response.
    • Organ and Tissue Transplants. Alterations Cell Growth.
  7. Fundamental care of the client with Endocrine function Alterations.
    • Diabetes Mellitus.
  8. Fundamental care of the client with Neurologic and Sensory Alterations.
    • Alterations in Levels of Consciousness. Alterations in head and cerebral function.
    • Alterations in Eye Function, Eye Inflammation, Eye Infection and Eye Trauma.
    • Alterations in Vision and Hearing.