Skagit Valley College

Catalog Course Search Details

This course has been changed from the previous catalog, the changed field(s) are highlighted in red:

 Course Title:   Human Anatomy and Physiology II

 Title Abbreviation:   HUMAN A & P II

 Department:    BIOL&

 Course #:    242

 Credits:    5

 Variable:     No

 IUs:    5.5

 CIP:    260601

 EPC:    n/a

 REV:    2021

 Course Description  

Continuation of BIOL& 241. In-depth study of the structure and function of the human body; endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary, fluid, electrolyte, digestive, and reproductive systems. Lab included.


Prerequisite: Both ENGL& 101 and BIOL& 241 with a grade of "C" or higher; and either MATH& 146 or MATH& 141 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Additional Course Details

Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)

Lecture: 44

Lab: 22

Other: 0

Systems: 0

Clinical: 0

Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:  

Academic Natural Sciences  

Equivalencies At Other Institutions

Other Institution Equivalencies Table
Institution Course # Remarks
CWU 300, 342
U of W ZOO 118, 119

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify and describe anatomical structures related to the following human biological systems: endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive.
  2. Describe the physiological functions of anatomical systems and demonstrate knowledge of the interrelatedness of these systems.
  3. Describe the mechanisms by which biological systems operate together to maintain homeostasis.

General Education Learning Values & Outcomes

Revised August 2008 and affects outlines for 2008 year 1 and later.

Course Contents

  1. Circulatory System: functions, characteristics, formed elements, plasma, homeostasis, blood types, heart anatomy & physiology, blood vessels, pulse and pressure, circulatory routes.
  2. Lymphatic System: lymphatic & nodes, circulatory functions, immune functions, immunity.
  3. Respiratory System: functions, organs, external/internal respiration, ventilation, gas exchange, gas transport, spirometry.
  4. Urinary System: functions, organs, nephron anatomy & physiology, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, hormonal secretions, urine/urinalysis, dialysis.
  5. Fluid Dynamics: fluid compartments, electrolytes, effective pressure, buffers/pH control.
  6. Male and Female Reproductive System: organs supporting structures, hormonal control, neural control, spermatogenesis/oogenesis, meiosis, ovarian & menstrual cycles.
  7. Endocrine System: organs & secretions, control of secretions, stress, resistance, exhaustion.
  8. Digestive System: functions, organs, neural/hormonal controls, chemical and physical digestion processes, absorption, motility
  9. Nutrition and Metabolism