Skagit Valley College

Catalog Course Search Details

This course has been changed from the previous catalog, the changed field(s) are highlighted in red:

 Course Title:   Beer, Wine and Spirits

 Title Abbreviation:   BEER, WINE & SPIRITS

 Department:    CUL

 Course #:    237

 Credits:    3

 Variable:     No

 IUs:    3

 CIP:    120503

 EPC:    850

 REV:    2018

 Course Description  

Introduction to history and production of alcoholic beverages. Introduction to sensory analysis of wine and food and wine paring.



Additional Course Details

Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)

Lecture: 33

Lab: 0

Other: 0

Systems: 0

Clinical: 0

Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:  

Vocational Preparatory Required for ATA degree, Required for certificate  

Equivalencies At Other Institutions

Other Institution Equivalencies Table
Institution Course # Remarks

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Understand the history, production and use of wine, beer and spirits.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of proper food and beverage service techniques.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of beverage service laws, application of beverage service guidelines and procedures.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of marketing and promotion techniques.
  5. Understand the diverse multicultural aspects of beverages and customer service.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of food and beverage pairing.

General Education Learning Values & Outcomes

Revised August 2008 and affects outlines for 2008 year 1 and later.

3. Communication

Definition: Understanding and producing effective written, spoken, visual, and non-verbal communication.

Outcomes: Students will be able to . . .
3.1 Recognize, read, and comprehend academic and/or professional writing.

6. Individual Awareness & Responsibility

Definition: Understanding, managing, and taking responsibility for one’s learning and behavior in varied and changing environments.

Outcomes: Students will be able to . . .
6.2 Demonstrate standards of professionalism in manner, appearance, and setting appropriate to the context, including the classroom, workplace, and community.

7. Aesthetics & Creativity

Definition: Interpreting human experience through engagement with creative processes and aesthetic principles.

Outcomes: Students will be able to . . .
7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the creative process.

Course Contents

  1. Beverage service.
  2. Tips class.
  3. Marketing & promotions.
  4. International beverages and customer service techniques from around the world.