Course Title: Cooperative Education Experience
Title Abbreviation: COOP EDUCATION EXPER
Department: CJ
Course #: 199
Credits: 15
Variable: Yes
IUs: 0
CIP: 430103
EPC: 832
REV: 2021
Course Description
Supervised work experience in the criminal justice field. Includes a weekly seminar. Instructor permission required.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission required.
Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)
Lecture: 0
Lab: 0
Other: 0
Systems: 0
Clinical: 495
Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:
Vocational Preparatory N/A
Equivalencies At Other Institutions
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
General Education Learning Values & Outcomes
Revised August 2018 and affects outlines for 2019 and later.
Definition: Apply knowledge, skills, and methodologies from multiple disciplines.
Definition: Interact with humans and the environment informed by an understanding of equity.
Course Contents