Course Title: ELA College Transition
Department: ELA
Course #: 18
Credits: 4
Variable: No
IUs: 4
CIP: 320204
EPC: n/a
REV: 2021
Course Description
In this course, students will be introduced to college and career pathways. Students will acquire contextualized English language skills. Students will learn about the United States higher education system and identify college resources and support services, culminating in designing a life and education plan that reflects their college, career, and personal goals. Students will receive study skills instruction contextualized to co-enrolled classes.
Prerequisite: Completion of ELA 015 and co-enrollment in ELA 066 and ELA 034.
Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)
Lecture: 44
Lab: 0
Other: 0
Systems: 0
Clinical: 0
Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:
Academic Basic Education N/A
Equivalencies At Other Institutions
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
General Education Learning Values & Outcomes
Revised August 2018 and affects outlines for 2019 and later.
Definition: Think analytically, logically, creatively, and reflectively.
Definition: Interact with humans and the environment informed by an understanding of equity.
Course Contents