Skagit Valley College

Catalog Course Search Details

New Course: this course was added after the last catalog

 Course Title:   Ethics and the Healthcare Manager

 Title Abbreviation:   ETHICS/HEALTHCARE MGR

 Department:    PHIL

 Course #:    446

 Credits:    5

 Variable:     No

 IUs:    5

 CIP:    510701

 EPC:    34B

 REV:    2021

 Course Description  

Examine the role of ethics and social responsibility in the healthcare environment. Theoretical concepts in healthcare ethics will be applied to real-world situations based on challenges managers face. Emphasis on personal outlooks, contemporary trends, and responsibilities with respect to ethical, legal, economic, regulatory conditions, and the needs of stakeholders in healthcare. Case studies/simulations will be used to explore real-world ethical and social responsibility dilemmas.


Prerequisite: BASAM Director permission.

Additional Course Details

Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)

Lecture: 55

Lab: 0

Other: 0

Systems: 0

Clinical: 0

Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:  

Vocational Preparatory N/A  

Equivalencies At Other Institutions

Other Institution Equivalencies Table
Institution Course # Remarks

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Examine frameworks to navigate individual and organizational ethical challenges in healthcare fields by deconstructing ethical theory.
  2. Deconstruct ethical theory by examining frameworks to navigate individual and organizational ethical challenges.
  3. Assess the influence of forces such as implicit and explicit bias, resource/profit maximization, and social justice on ethical choices in healthcare fields by researching the drivers of managerial decisions in case studies.
  4. Investigate the legal and ethical implications of contemporary healthcare workplace public policy issues (for example, disease management, artificial intelligence), by analyzing their evolution and their impact on individual and organizational behavior.

General Education Learning Values & Outcomes

Revised August 2008 and affects outlines for 2008 year 1 and later.

Course Contents

  1. Frameworks to navigate individual and organizational ethical challenges in healthcare fields by deconstructing ethical theory.
  2. Ethical theory by examining frameworks to navigate individual and organizational ethical challenges.
  3. Influence of forces such as implicit and explicit bias, resource/profit maximization, and social justice on ethical choices in healthcare fields by researching the drivers of managerial decisions in case studies.
  4. Legal and ethical implications of contemporary healthcare workplace public policy issues (for example, disease management, artificial intelligence) by analyzing their evolution and their impact on individual and organizational behavior.