Skagit Valley College

Catalog Course Search Details

This course has been changed from the previous catalog, the changed field(s) are highlighted in red:

 Course Title:   Clinical Non-Sterile Procedures

 Title Abbreviation:   CLIN NON-STERILE PROCED

 Department:    AHE

 Course #:    107

 Credits:    6

 Variable:     No

 IUs:    7

 CIP:    510801

 EPC:    381

 REV:    2018

 Course Description  

Definition and theory of medical asepsis; information on non-sterile procedures/tests, i.e. temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, electrocardiograms, audiograms, visual acuity, colorblindness, spirometry, height and weight, physical examinations, charting and documentation. Awareness of universal precautions to protect the patient and the healthcare professional. Discussion of cultural beliefs and expectations concerning health care interactions. Includes lab practice of selected non-sterile procedures.


Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AHE 108 and department chair permission.

Additional Course Details

Contact Hours (based on 11 week quarter)

Lecture: 44

Lab: 44

Other: 0

Systems: 0

Clinical: 0

Intent: Distribution Requirement(s) Status:  

Vocational Preparatory Required for ATA degree, Required for certificate  

Equivalencies At Other Institutions

Other Institution Equivalencies Table
Institution Course # Remarks

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate universal precautions.
  2. State knowledge of the physiology of the human body concerning temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure.
  3. Explain an electrocardiogram and its relationship to the human heart.
  4. List some factors affecting growth and development.
  5. Illustrate how the eye gives us the ability to see and how our vision may be affected by internal and external factors.
  6. Illustrate how the ear gives us the ability to hear and how internal and external factors may impair our hearing.
  7. Recite the physiology for respiratory testing by using spirometry.
  8. State the purposes of the physical examination and prepare the patient for and assist with a routine physical examination.
  9. Accurately measure and record the body temperature, radial pulse, apical pulse, apical-radial pulse, respiration rate and blood pressure.
  10. Accurately measure and record adult height and weight.
  11. Accurately measure and record infant weight, head circumference and recumbent length.
  12. Accurately measure and record adult and children�s visual acuity using a Snellen chart.
  13. Accurately measure and record spirometry on an adult.
  14. Accurately perform and record a color blindness assessment on an adult using the Ishihara book.
  15. Accurately perform an electrocardiogram; accurately position patients for selected examinations.
  16. Chart and document accurately and appropriate charting and documentation.
  17. Demonstrate the knowledge required to prepare patients for radiographic examinations.
  18. Perform a medical handwash.

General Education Learning Values & Outcomes

Revised August 2008 and affects outlines for 2008 year 1 and later.

2. Critical Thinking

Definition: The ability to think critically about the nature of knowledge within a discipline and about the ways in which that knowledge is constructed and validated and to be sensitive to the ways these processes often vary among disciplines.

Outcomes: Students will be able to . . .
2.1 Identify and express concepts, terms, and facts related to a specific discipline.

3. Communication

Definition: Understanding and producing effective written, spoken, visual, and non-verbal communication.

Outcomes: Students will be able to . . .
3.5 Recognize, comprehend, and use non-verbal behaviors appropriate to a given context.
3.6 Recognize, comprehend, and use visual communication appropriate to a given context.
3.7 Adapt communication to diverse audiences and media.

4. Community & Cultural Diversity

Definition: Recognizing the value of human communities and cultures from multiple perspectives through a critical understanding of their similarities and differences.

Outcomes: Students will be able to . . .
4.1 Identify and express concepts, terms, and issues associated with the diverse perspectives of race, social class, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, and culture.
4.4 Demonstrate effective communication across differences in human communities and cultures.

Course Contents

  1. Universal blood and body substance precautions.
  2. Practices of medical asepsis.
  3. Physiology and theory and practice of measuring and recording body temperature, pulses, and blood pressure.
  4. Physiology and theory and practice of measuring adult height and weight.
  5. Physiology and theory and practice of measuring infant weight, head circumference, and recumbent length.
  6. Physiology and theory and practice of electrocardiography.
  7. Physiology and theory and practice of spirometry.
  8. Anatomy of the eye and the physiology of sight and the theory and practice of measuring visual acuity and assessing color blindness.
  9. Anatomy of the ear and the physiology of hearing and the theory and practice of measuring hearing.
  10. Interviewing a patient to obtain a patient�s medical history.
  11. Theory of the physical examination.
  12. Prepare, position and instruct patients to prepare for a physical examination.
  13. Instruct patients according to their needs regarding preparations for tests requiring radiant energy.